Only 16 more days till CHRISTMAS!!
We're helping Santa out and working on a few gifts for Rhett.
Believe it or not, he did make the "Nice" list this year.
(Clearly Santa doesn't know he likes to steal our socks.)
Anyway I'll be sharing some of the presents we're working on for the little sock stealer soon. :)
Now on to my favorites from the week!
From Paint in my Hair, the prettiest pineapple bed EVER.
I love it so much I'm willing to sleep in it as is. No mattress needed. :)
Next from, Chrissie's Collections, this jewel tone French dresser.
Chrissie did a whole bedroom set in this color.
How could you wake up in a bad mood with this in your room?!
And lastly from Redoux, this rustic lovely.
I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!
Ladies, amazing job!
Don't forget to grab a featured button on the side bar!