Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fun Girly Storage Ideas

We all know how important it is to store away our belongings but isn’t nice when storage can be fun and girly? Check out these pleasurable and fun girly storage ideas

How cute is the little pencil holder on the mantel, wow what a fun idea.

How simple is it for kids put there stuff into little see through jars. Right where they can see them.

A place to store their books

How cute is this!!1

If you have a bookcase how about rapping it in wallpaper or paint and stencil it pretty and throw in some storage baskets, then you'll  have a fun and beautiful storage space.

Very cute!!

Give me an A- I love how the storage in this room looks, the photo above shows a chalkboard isn't that fun!!
Check out all the toy cubes with the tufted fabric on it. What a very fun idea.
Fun Girly Storage Ideas

Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun hanging storage!!
More thought for them plane jars!!! All simple ideas you can do at home
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Fun Girly Storage Ideas
Did you like all the fun girly storage ideas 
These are pretty simple ideas you can do yourself, do you think you will use some of these fun ideas?
Which idea inspired you most?

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