I don't know about you, but I am done with old man winter and all it brings with it. Truth be told I am checked out. My ride in is just as depressing as standing on line at the local DMV. Aside from the dreadful cold, nothing appears to be alive from the outside as all is in hibernation till the last frost. It is hard to really think of wanting to do anything, because we are is such a rush to stay in. With that said aside from watching the TV and living in the kitchen till it is time for bed, let us try something and switch it up. How about dividing some time and apply it to that mental "honey do" list? It might even be our own. Spring is near, very near. Actually it is on Wednesday, March 20th 2013. Now there is something to look forward to after that list.

I, like you are a homeowner and my list is endless. A day never goes by that I do not look at my entry ceiling and say to self "you need to be painted", then turning to the right and staring at my long over due windows that need cleaning, to my "could use more lighting" living room and finally my interior doors that need an upgrade. The list is longer, but this is not totally about me and never is. This is about us, the busy homeowner, the last minute guy or gal, the impulsive need it now or it won't happen self. So this is the plan and I think we should all follow it. Rather looking at the "to do" list, let us take a moment and focus on the "to be done" list. Instead of the Top 10, narrow it to the Top 1. You cannot get any more simpler than that. I think it is almost natural to look at any list and say "scrap it". We are all guilty of procrastination and adding another daunting task to our busy lives is a big "no thank you". I do think that 1 is a lucky number though, because it is closer to 2 and more than zero. If nothing else you accomplished something. So why don't we......

It is that simple, just look around and choose 1 thing to be done and be done with it. Lucky for you there is a site that can help you www.clickandimprove.com. I know a little self-serving, but not exactly. If I lived closer I would for sure be my own customer. Handy I am, but timing I don't have and there are just some things that are best handled by the pros. Whether it is deep cleaning, painting or junk removal to name a few www.clickandimprove.com has a little bit of everything to make your 24/7 life easier.
Be sure to also think past the small projects www.clickandimprove.com can also assist you with the bigger projects like a kitchen and bathroom renovation. Spring looks even brighter.....doesn't it?