How do I decorate my bedroom? What interiors do I use? These are few questions that give us nightmares when we wish to decorate our new bedroom or renovate it to suit our changed lifestyle or phase of life. Deciding on a room's interior is not a difficult task, but there are some qualities that you must possess: patience, hard work and lot of time.
When you choose for interiors for your bedroom, make sure that the final appearance that the room gets is one of being cozy, friendly and restful. Go for neutral, pastel and warm coloring shades for wall paints, such as white, beige, dull brown, etc. these shades are best suited for rooms where you sleep and rest. Decide on the color of the walls first, then the color of your furniture and lastly the color of the fabric for curtains, bed sheets, mats, etc. Never go the other way round, otherwise you will end up making a mess of your bedroom.
Avoid spending money on expensive wall papers and art wall hangings. Go for some newspaper or magazine designs. Your kids artistic works can also do wonders to your walls. While choosing the flooring for your room, go for wood or carpet floors. These are in fashion now-a-days and are very comfortable and long-lasting unlike marble floors that are very difficult to clean. Stay away from ceramic, marble or granite flooring. These take the touch and feel of coziness away from you in the morning when you step on them just out of the bed.
If possible, make use of the same fabric, shades and designs for the bed sheets and bed covers as you would do for curtains and mats. This feature and combination will give your room the perfect feeling of "Interior Designed". You can also make use of mirrors on the walls to give your room more volume and visual space. If you have natural light (direct sunlight) drowning in your room for most of the day, try using dark shade curtains for your room. This will give the feeling of coziness and secrecy even during the day. In addition to the centre light on the ceiling, make use of ample lamp shades and pin lights for mood lightings in your room.